Admission Information

Thank you for your interest in The Classical Academy of Sarasota!

Application and Enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year is in full swing!

Application for the 2025-2026 school year is available and is required to be considered for admission. Families that have requested to be included on the waitlist in prior years are required to complete the 2025-2026 school year application. This step will ensure we have all of the correct and current information for your student and family.
*please note, there is a place within the 2025-2026 application to confirm if you have completed an application in any of our prior systems. Please click on the following application link now to begin:

2025-2026 Application

A link to tuition details for the 2025-2026 school year may be found on the Tuition and Fees page under the Admissions tab.

TCA proudly accepts tuition scholarships from Step Up for Students to help off-set the cost of private school tuition & fees. We encourage all families to apply regardless of their income status. Payment plans are available for the portion of student tuition that may not be covered by scholarship.

Please note, TCA’s Preschool and PreK class space has increased for the coming school year! Openings are available for each of our schedule options: M-F half-day, MWF full-day, and M-F full-day for the 2025-2026 school year. Complete an application asap before these spots are filled! PS/PK will continue at our Fruitville Campus located at 8751 Fruitville Rd, Sarasota for the 2025-2026 school year. TCA does not participate in the State of Florida’s VPK Voucher Program.



Registration is required to attend an information meeting & tour. Please complete the Admissions Inquiry Form using the link at the top of this page.

Again, we thank you for your interest in The Classical Academy of Sarasota!

A message from the Office of Admissions & Enrollment:  “Application for the 2025-2026 school year is OPEN! We are actively reviewing completed applications and are scheduling resource assessment meetings and student shadow days for all grade-level openings. We strongly encourage anyone interested in having their student attend TCA to complete the application process to ensure consideration before our admissions deadlines. Students that have applied in past years to be on our waitlist will have priority consideration however, a new application must be completed.”


Immediate Interest for the current school year?

We have limited enrollment availability in elementary grades for the current school year and encourage you to contact the office at 941-925-2153 or [email protected] to inquire if space may be available in your child’s grade.

A resource assessment and meeting with a member of our Admin team may be offered to families that have provided a copy of their students’ 23/24 final report card, 24/25 semester 1 report card, standardized test scores, copy of a service plan such as 504 or IEP and answers to the following parent interview questions:

  1. What led you to consider our school for your student?
  2. What are your family’s values and how do they align with the values of our school?
  3. How would you like to be involved in the school community?

This information should be emailed as soon as possible to [email protected] with “Immediate interest/Grade#” noted in the subject line.