The Seven Hills of TCA

Ancient Rome is believed to have been built upon seven hills.  Each of these hills was believed at one time to have been heavily fortified with a walled city.  These hills are the foundation on which Rome still stands today.  At TCA, we believe in certain foundational truths, “hills”, that will direct the leadership, administration and faculty now and in the years to come.  We establish these basic truths as a foundation to preserve the intent of our mission in developing graduates who are logical thinkers, coherent writers, confident speakers, thoughtful leaders and responsible virtuous citizens.

The Seven Hills of The Classical Academy:

  1. CLASSICAL EDUCATION: Our philosophy of education is built upon classical education, which not only helped shaped the founding of this great country, but has a rich and deep history dating back over 2500 years to the time of Plato and Aristotle.  A classical liberal arts education provides a student with the greatest of all tools: a logical mind.  It is a back-to-basics education, built around the chronological study of history, using first-source documents and great works of literature.
  2. VIRTUE: Education without virtue is a fruitless endeavor.  As Benjamin Franklin noted, “Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom”.  The four classical virtues of temperance, fortitude, justice and prudence will be taught, modeled and expected by all those who are a part of the TCA community.  Virtue is the foundation for a happy and prosperous life, and it will be woven into everything we do at TCA.
  3. EXCELLENCE: In a society which accepts mediocrity as the standard, TCA will raise the bar and expect students to strive for excellence in everything they do.  The leadership of TCA acknowledges that excellence should become a habit, and will expect students to practice this habit daily in their academics, in their relationships, and in their deeds, with the aim that this habit encompasses every area of their lives.
  4. SMALL COMMUNITY: Relationships and mentoring happen best in a small community.  The trust and accountability formed between faculty and students will create an educational environment of rigor and excellence.  Faculty will learn the strengths and weaknesses of students, knowing how best to challenge and inspire them to achieve their full potential. This same environment will also be expected between parents and TCA, where classrooms are always open for observation and volunteers are welcomed.
  5. AFFORDABLE EDUCATION: An excellent classical education should be available to every child.  The leadership of TCA will purposefully strive to find ways to maintain or lower the cost of tuition.  TCA will continually seek outside support from community members and businesses who believe in the mission of the school.  The funds raised will be used to limit the costs to families, in addition to creating Heritage Scholarships ensuring that tuition is never a barrier.
  6. SELF-GOVERNMENT: “The qualifications for self-government in society are not innate. They are the result of habit and long training.” – Thomas Jefferson.  Our faculty will train our students in these habits, expecting the proper conduct of ladies and gentlemen at all times, from their interactions with one another to their interactions with teachers and parents.  Students will learn to govern their thoughts, their emotions, their actions and reactions, and their impulses.
  7. THE GOOD, THE BEAUTIFUL AND THE TRUE: The aim of classical education, and consequently TCA, is to teach children to spend time with, enjoy, discuss and think about the good, the beautiful, and the true.  This includes how students spend their leisure time, the books they read, the music they listen to, the movies they watch, and the people in which they spend time.   Our students will study the diverse opinions within the great ideas of history and literature, and will be readily able to decipher what is good, what is beautiful, and what is true.